The Feedback Stipulation:
All working environments demand progress and productivity. Every Organization builds over employee's growth in terms of their skills and experience. Employees are the foundation support within organization and if the foundation is strong and solid, the overall structure of organization will also be well-built. So it is very much important for managers or team leaders to ensure a surrounding that enable employee to enhance his skill set as well as evolve intellectual capabilities with good rate.
Necessity of Feedback:
When we discuss improvement in skill sets of employees and the factors that guarantee improvement in skills of employees, Feedback is the factor that we can not overlook. Feedback from managers or Team leaders is the most powerful factor in order to improve skills of employees, but only when appropriately use. Well written feedbacks leave a deep impact on the readers mind and create an influence of writer. A powerful feedback serves multiple purposes, it not only guides employee to a right direction, but also motivates him.
Basic Structure of Feedback:
Writing a feedback is not an easy task, it needs brain storming, selection of right words, true assessment and right timing. Feedback is not something to write in a hurry, it needs time from writer's end to evaluate subject in detail before writing something. It only needs one feedback to either motivate employee or discourage him, so writing a right feedback is very important.
Right Timing of Feedback:
Before writing a feedback, it is important to ensure that you are writing it when there is requirement and employee needs it. Right timing is an important factor, but often not considered. For example, it is not good to right a feedback to a new employee when he is in learning phase; it creates an extra pressure and reduces comfort level of employee that is very much needed for learning. Similarly, if an employee is doing an excellent job, there is no need for feedback but only an appreciation is required.
Right Reason for Feedback:
When you feel that it is right time to write a feedback, next question is why you want to write a feedback to particular employee? The right answer of the question is to bring improvement in employee, and improvement comes when all deficiencies at employee's end are rightly assessed and highlighted. If assessment is not true, the feedback could spoil the authority and influence of feedback writer.
The feedback should not be of one dimension, but it should be mixture of appreciation of good work, highlight shortcomings, pointing out weak areas with right solutions and setting a goal for employee to achieve. Writing a rightly structured feedback is an art that leaves a strong impact on the reader and increase the influence of writer. It is much more preferable to write a strong feedback in long time instead of writing two liner feedbacks with regular intervals.